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11 July 2024,07:28


New Product Launch

11 July 2024, 07:28

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Dear Valued Client,

We are pleased to announce the addition of the Hang Seng Tech Index Cash on 15 July 2024 to our product portfolio, providing clients with broader diversification opportunities.

We would like to highlight that as trading with us would be with CFDs. The Hang Seng Tech Index Cash are non-deliverable contracts that are cash-settled based on the asset’s price changes.

Trading in the Hang Seng Tech Index Cash would give our clients exposure to the capitalisation-weighted index of the 30 most highly capitalised companies listed on the Hong Kong Exchanges (HKEX). It would also allow our clients to have exposure in certain sectors as well.

The largest sector weighting of the Hang Seng Tech Index Cash is the Information Technology sector, followed by Consumer Discretionary companies. Key constituents such as Xiaomi, Meituan, Tencent, JD.com Inc, Kuaishou, Alibaba Group, Netease, Lenovo, and SMIC represent approximately 70% of the entire index.

Please refer to the table below outlining the new instrument:

Kindly note that the above data are subject to changes. Please refer to MT4/MT5 for details.

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact our Customer Care Team via Live Chat or email: info@puprime.com or phone +248 437 3105.

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  • Bắt đầu giao dịch với số tiền nạp thấp nhất là $50 cho tài khoản Standard của chúng tôi.
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Tham gia ngay

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